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Cowboy Crusher Rider Guide

Welcome to The Cowboy Crusher and beautiful Central Wyoming.

Are you ready to be Cowboy Tough!


We are super stoked to have you visit the wonderful town of Glenrock, Wyoming. We’ve worked hard to bring you an epic gravel experience that will keep you coming back year after year and bringing your dirt lovin, grit lovin, and gravel lovin friends!



LOCATION:  Glenrock Town Park  -    


This is where the shindig begins: Start/Finish, after party, awards, music, food, and a lota…lota…giveaways. We encourage you all to bring your friends and family to stay and play. There is a play-ground for the kids, and music and beverage for the adults. The park has ample parking, but NO CAMPING! Feel free to find a spot in the surrounding area where permitted.


PACKET PICK-UP: Due to limited lodging in Glenrock, there will be two packet pick-up locations. One in Glenrock, WY and one in Casper, WY.


  • Casper location: Fri July 12, 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Location TBD – watch for an email with more information. 

  • Glenrock location: Fri July 12, 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Glenrock Town Park.

  • Saturday July 13 - for those that cannot make it on the day before, you can pick up your packet and sign in 30 mins before your start time (please come on Friday if you are able, this will help keep the race day whirlwind to a minimum!).


What will be included in your packet: number plate with timing chip, meal ticket and drink voucher to use at the food vendors and beverage tent in the park.  A Cowboy Crusher t-shirt and plenty more swag.




Friday, July 12 – Packet pick-up times for both locations

4:00 pm - Packet pick-up begins

8:00 pm - Packet pick-up ends for the day


Saturday, July 13

5:00 am - Venue opens

5:30 am – Last minute packet pick-up for Cowboy 121

(Last minute packet pick-up for all categories will open 30 minutes before start of each race)

Shot Gun Starts

6:00 am – Cowboy 121 start

7:00 am – Broncobuster 75 start

9:00 am – Buckaroo 40 start

10:00 am – Mutton Buster start

After Party

12:00 noon – Food trucks open

1:00 pm – Music

4:00 pm – Awards

5:00 pm – Raffle and swag give aways (must be present to win)

8:00 pm Course closes




There will be a lead-out vehicle at the start for each of the courses. Once that pulls away, the race is on. Keep your eyes open for the Cowboy Crusher signs as they clearly mark the courses throughout. It is the rider’s responsibility to know their way on the course. It is essential to download the appropriate course for your distance to your GPS device in advance. You’ll spend a large part of the day outside of cell coverage.


The GPX files are also available to load to your devices in the course info further down in this guide or directly on the website


Outside support is NOT allowed, except at the designated aid stations/checkpoints. The official aid stations/checkpoints along the routes will serve as a neutral area where event participants may meet their support crew to restock supplies and repair equipment. The official aid stations/checkpoints will be the only locations along any of the courses where participants may receive assistance from their support crew. Receiving assistance (other than immediate emergency medical needs) from a support crew, or any other non-participant, at any point other than the official aid stations/checkpoints will result in immediate disqualification from the event. There are no exceptions to this rule. Participants may help other participants with navigation, mechanical, or any other requested assistance.


Support Crews and/or spectators are NOT allowed on course. If you are going to abandon the race you must make it to an official aid station/checkpoint, and then call for your support crew to come get you or take a ride back to Glenrock with a SAG wagon when it is available. A Course Marshall or SAG wagon can take you to the next aid station/checkpoint if they are available. Providing support to a rider while on course is not in the spirit of self-sufficiency of grass roots gravel racing. It is also unfair to other participants, and increases the risks to other participants when there is more traffic on the road, and therefore will not be allowed. Please help us insure the safety of ALL participants by having your support crews meet you at official aid stations/ checkpoints ONLY.

If for some reason you abandon the race you MUST check in at the timing table to let event organizers know you are no longer on course




Mandatory Carry List

**Each participant must carry with them (on their body, or on their bike) the items on the mandatory carry list.**

  • Bike: hopefully, by race day you’ve chosen your trusty steed. Note: NO E-BIKES ALLOWED IN THE COWBOY 121 OR BRONCOBUSTER 75 COURSES.

  • Helmet: helmets are required to participate in this event and must be worn at all times when on the bike.

  • Cycling computer/GPS – GPS computer is required for the Cowboy 121 course and strongly encouraged for Broncobuster 75 course.

  • Rear taillight – visible from at least 50 ft away. (Front head light not required, but you may want to have a one for extra visibility).

  • 2-3 water bottles and/or a hydration pack.

  • Food – energy bars, gels, nuts, chews, salt tabs, etc.

  • Spare tubes, CO2 cartridge, pump or inflation system, tire levers, and a multi tool. We strongly encourage you to carry extra butt butter also.


Additional supplies you should consider

  • Extra clothing: arm/leg warmers and a wind vest and/or a rain jacket (anything can happen in the mountains). 

  • Clothes to change into post-ride: Your bottom will like you better if you don’t walk around in a sweaty, stinky chamois for hours after being in your kit all day,




GPX FILE Links for download to your personal device










There will be multiple places you can stop for snacks, hydration, shade, encouragement, a potty break, or anything else you may need.  There will be plenty of electrolyte mix and water to top off your bottles. Aid stations will have energy gels, chews, bars, real food, and mechanical and medical supplies. Also, toilets or porta potties will be at the Windy Ridge Road, Campbell Creek Campground, Spring Canyon Road and Ayers Natural Bridge aid stations.

Note: although there will be an array of snacks at each feed zone, we strongly encourage you to have some “safety snacks” in your pockets just in case. Being over-prepared is always better than wishing you had something before you bonk.


  • Mutton Buster Aid Station – Mutton Buster course ONLY

    • Fully Stocked

    • Mile 8.5

    • Turn around point

  • Mormon Canyon Water Stop Only – Cowboy 121, Broncobuster 75, and Buckaroo 40

    • Mile 10 - this is a little early, but you climb 1,700 ft. to get here, so refresh bottles if needed.

  • Boxelder Road Aid Station

    • Mile 18 – this is where the Cowboy 121 departs from the Broncobuster and Buckaroo courses

    • Cowboy 121 turns south and heads towards the mountains and Upper Boxelder Canyon

  • Windy Ridge Road Aid Station – fully stocked with porta potty available

    • Broncobuster turns east on Wind Ridge Road at this point

    • Broncobuster will pass this Aid Station twice

  • Four Corners water stop ONLY

    • Broncobuster will pass this water stop twice

    • Broncobuster - Mile 29 @ 3,039 ft. elevation gain and Mile 53 @ 5,165 elevation gain

  • Natural Bridge Aid Station – Fully stocked with toilets available

    • Turn around point for the Broncobuster course



Cowboy 121 ONLY Aid Stations




  • Balsh Road Aid Station – Fully stocked - CHECK POINT #1 CUT OFF 11:00 am

    • Mile 33 @ 4,475 ft. of elevation gain

    • NO RESTROOM AVAILABLE…use the greater outdoors

  • Campbell Creek Campground Aid Station – USFS vault toilet availablefully stocked

    • Mile 45 @ 5,000 ft. elevation gain

  • Cold Springs Rd/WY 91 water stop ONLY

    • Mile 60 @ 5,642 ft. elevation gain

  • Spring Canyon Rd Aid Station – Fully stocked - CHECK POINT #2 CUT OFF 4:00 pm

    • Mile 80 @ 6,180 ft. of elevation gain

  • Four Corners – water stop ONLY

    • Mile 97 @ 7,715 ft. elevation gain

  • Windy Ridge Aid Station – Fully stocked - CHECK POINT #3 CUT OFF 6:30 pm.

    • Mile 104 @ 8,702 ft. elevation gain

    • Porta potty available





Each Aid station will have an air pump and some basic supplies. We strongly encourage all participants to know basic repair skills and advise everyone to come prepared with CO2 cartridges or their own pump and extra tubes in case of a flat. If you are still unable to make a repair, SAG support cars will be on course to assist you with minor mechanical issues.

Hopefully there will not be any medical issues, however, be assured that you have aid available, and each station will be stocked with first aid supplies, sunscreen, and staff to make sure everyone is safe and taken care of. If there is an emergency, please call 911 if you have cell service. Given that there is limited cell service, try to get someone to the nearest Feed Zone or find a course marshal to assist in helping you.




This is NOT a closed course! Please abide by the rules of the road the entire time you are out on course. Obey the flow of traffic, stop at stop signs, yield to pedestrians, and FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY STAY TO THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE ROAD. Please respect the riders around you at all times. Let’s keep this fun and accident-free. 


Keep it clean, please! DO NOT throw your gel packets, paper, plastic wrappers or any other garbage along the route. Pack it In…Pack it out! Thank you




Your timing chip is on your number plate, therefore, it must be attached to your bike and you must roll through the Start/Finish arch to get an official time. There are prizes for the top 3 times on each course in each category. There will also be recognition of the top three places in each age category. Be sure to check results and stick around for awards at 5PM!





As you finish the Cowboy Crusher, you’ll be greeted at the finish line with the ringing of cow bells, a high five and a hardy Wahoo!!!. At that point secure your bike and head on over to the beverage tent to get yourself a well deserve ice cold drink. Go sit in the cool shaded grass and take in the music and after party. The awards and prizes will start at 5:00 pm.


Food vendors will be on hand to provide you with a great recovery meal. Make sure to have that vouchers (in your swag bag) to use at the vendors for a meal and a drink. If you want an adult beverage, you can redeem your ticket for 1 beer (ID REQUIRED) at the beverage tent.



PODIUM AWARDS at 4:00 pm in the park. Raffle prizes at 5:00 pm. Stick around, the prizes are well worth it!

You must be present to win raffle prizes



A Big Thank You to the wonderful folks that make all this happen.


Our Cowboy Crusher Crew: Polly Beebout, Jim Hirz, Danna Miller, Chris Smith, Christy Olsen, Dee Lundberg, Linda Bisiar, Jim Halsey, Tia Leschin


*Special Thanks to the volunteers who donated their time to help us keep the course safe, work the feed zones, and all the selfless tasks that made this event possible.


Reach out with questions by email to We want to be sure that each of you have an incredible gravel experience.


Thank you,

Cowboy Crusher Crew!

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